Resolution 1996-19

Resolution 1996-19 of the Real Estate Council of Alberta

WHEREAS by Section 84(1) of the Real Estate Act, S.A. 1995, c. R-4.5 (the “Act”), the Real Estate Council of Alberta (the “Council”) has the power, duty and responsibility to amend or appeal bylaws and rules;


Rule 70(5) under the Real Estate Act, S.A. 1995, c. R-4.5 shall be amended from

(5) A real estate agent who fails to file an accounting with the Council within the time prescribed in section 29 or to provide the auditor’s report required by section 20(2) within the time provided for in that section shall pay a late filing fee of $125.

to now read:

(5) A real estate agent who fails to file an accounting with the Council within the time prescribed in section 34 or to provide the auditor’s report required by section 20(2) within the time provided for in that section shall pay a late filing fee of $125.

AMENDED by Council in Calgary, Alberta on this 21st day of August 1996.

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