The brokerage is the company consumers deal within the real estate, property management, and mortgage industries. Every brokerage is run by one broker, and may have associates and associate brokers registered with the brokerage to carry out activities on behalf of the brokerage.
Brokerages can also hire administrative staff (e.g. conveyancing, accounting, clerical staff) as long as the staff do not perform activities that require a licence.
Updating your brokerage policies and procedures manual just got a whole lot easier! RECA’s brokerage policies and procedures manual templates for mortgage brokerage and real estate brokerage are now available for download.
As a broker you are required to provide all employees at your brokerage with a policies and procedures manual. Policies and procedures manuals help brokers to consider the brokerage’s civil and regulatory risks, and they create procedures to manage those risks and ensure the brokerage associates and employees act consistently. These manuals are a tool for brokers to provide adequate oversight of their brokerage. Policies and Procedures play a vital role in avoiding liability for the actions of brokerage associates.