Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is composed of three members of the public appointed by the Minister of Service Alberta, and four licensees, one appointed from each of the four Industry Councils from among their members. The purposes of the Board are to set the strategic direction and ensure the effective operation of Council, to protect against, investigate, detect and suppress fraud as it relates to the business of licensees and to protect consumers, to provide, or support the provision of, services and other things that facilitate the business of licensees, as provided for in the Real Estate Act Regulations, and to administer the Real Estate Act, the Regulations, the Bylaws, and the Rules. An administrative staff, led by the executive director, assists council in fulfilling its duties.

Board members are appointed for 3-year terms, and can serve 2 terms consecutively. Section 6 of the Real Estate Act outlines the composition of the Board.

2022- 2023 Business and Financial Plan

2022-2025 Strategic Plan

2021-2022 Business and Financial Plan

Engagement Opportunities with the Board of Directors

Board Email
An email address has been created for stakeholders to contact the Board of Directors. By sending emails to, stakeholders can reach out to the Board outside of specific consultations or other formal engagement opportunities.

Consultations and Focus Groups
The Board may direct RECA to consult on certain topics prior to making decisions. Stakeholders will be notified of all consultation opportunities through direct email, the Regulator newsletter, social media, and the RECA website.

The Industry Councils will also host Broker Forums and other informal groups to discuss the latest regulatory issues they are seeing day-to-day.

Stakeholder Engagement Policy
Stakeholder engagement is a clear priority for RECA. At its March 5 meeting, the Board approved a Stakeholder Engagement Policy that sets the framework for why, how, and with whom RECA engages. Engagement will be timely, consistent, equal, meaningful, and transparent. This policy is to ensure you have the opportunity to have your voice heard by the Board and Industry Councils, and directly participate in the regulation of your industry.

Members of RECA’s Board of Directors


Elan MacDonald, ICD.D
Appointed by the Minister of Service Alberta


Jai Parihar, MBA, CFA, ICD.D
Appointed by the Minister of Service Alberta from the public


Gregory Walter, LLB
Appointed by the Minister of Service Alberta from the public


Bill Briggs
Appointed by the Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council


Laura Sharen
Appointed by the Commercial Real Estate Broker and Commercial Property Manager Industry Council


Carrie Plett
Appointed by the Residential Property Manager Industry Council


Elena Russell
Appointed by the Mortgage Broker Industry Council

RECA Building Purchase Investigation Report

After receiving serious allegations concerning the 2018 purchase of RECA’s office building, the Board undertook an independent, legally privileged review (investigation). The investigation found no evidence of impropriety and no merit to the allegations. The Board considers the matter closed. The Minister of Service Alberta has also communicated to the Board that he considers the matter closed. The Board encourages all stakeholders to review the Report from Bennett Jones LLP and the Letter from the Minister.

Report on the Investigation into RECA’s 2018 Office Building Purchase

For the most up-to-date decisions, see RECA’s Board of Directors updates from the Chair in The Regulator (RECA’s quarterly newsletter). The Regulator also includes updates from the Industry Councils, in-depth articles on some governance issues, as well as regulatory compliance advice for licensees.

Minutes of meetings are approved at the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. As outlined in the Real Estate Act, minutes are posted below within 7 days of being approved.


January 24, 2024 Agenda Minutes
May 15, 2024 Agenda Minutes
July 17, 2024 Agenda



December 12, 2023 (special meeting) Agenda Minutes
November 22, 2023 Agenda Minutes
July 19, 2023 Agenda Minutes
May 19, 2023 (special meeting) Agenda Minutes
May 17, 2023 Agenda Minutes
April 6, 2023 (special meeting) Agenda Minutes
January 30, 2023 (special meeting) Agenda Minutes
January 26, 2023 Agenda Minutes



December 19, 2022 (special meeting) Agenda Minutes
November 24, 2022 Agenda Minutes
November 9, 2022 (special meeting) Agenda Minutes
September 7, 2022 (special meeting) Agenda Minutes
September 1, 2022 (special meeting) Agenda Minutes
August 4, 2022 Agenda Minutes
July 20, 2022 Agenda Minutes
June 27, 2022 (special meeting) Agenda Minutes
May 11, 2022 Agenda Minutes
February 11, 2022 (special meeting) Agenda Minutes
January 21, 2022 Agenda Minutes


December 3, 2021 Agenda Minutes
November 10, 2021 Agenda Minutes
October 28, 2021 (special meeting) Agenda Minutes
September 24, 2021 (special meeting) Agenda Minutes
July 29, 2021 Agenda Minutes
July 7, 2021 Agenda Minutes
June 22, 2021 Agenda Minutes
May 31, 2021 Agenda Minutes
April 28, 2021 Agenda Minutes
March 5, 2021 Agenda Minutes
February 26, 2021 Agenda Minutes
January 20, 2021 Agenda Minutes


December 21, 2020 Agenda Minutes


Regular Council meeting agendas and minutes from before December 1, 2020 are posted on this page in the interest of openness and transparency with stakeholders, and in accordance with Council policy at the time.

Council as a whole was responsible for reviewing and approving Council meeting minutes. Upon Council’s approval of meeting minutes, the Executive Director provided the approved minutes to RECA Communications staff for posting to the RECA website. Council meeting minutes were redacted in accordance with RECA’s Redaction Policy.

July 17, 2019 Agenda Minutes
April 17, 2019 Agenda Minutes
January 23, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 17, 2018 Agenda Minutes
July 18, 2018 Agenda Minutes
April 11, 2018 Agenda Minutes
January 24, 2018 Agenda Minutes


Special Council Meetings

May 25, 2018 Minutes
June 5, 2018 Minutes
June 6, 2018 Minutes
December 13, 2018 Minutes
January 4, 2019 Minutes
January 29, 2019 Minutes

Board-approved numerous policies regulating their meetings, conduct, and how they interact with stakeholders.

Diversity Policy

Consultation Policy

Privacy Policy

Role of RECA Spokesperson

Stakeholder Engagement Policy

Stewardship Reporting Policy

More Info: