The Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council Wants to Hear from You! Image

The Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council Wants to Hear from You!


The Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council is the body that sets the licensing requirements and standards of practice for the residential real estate broker industry. If you work in residential real estate, we want to hear from you! Read on to see where you can take part in the regulation of your industry.

You may have received a similar engagement message from the Board of Directors last week. That engagement has to do with the industry and with RECA overall. The engagement opportunities below are hosted by the Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council, focused on issues and trends in the residential real estate industry.

Informing RECA’s Strategic Direction

The feedback the Industry Council receives from residential stakeholders will inform the strategic planning process the Board of Directors will undertake later in 2021, resulting in a comprehensive and informed Strategic Plan for the coming years. If you want the residential trends and issues you see in your day-to-day business to be considered in our strategic planning process, we need to hear from you.

To directly provide your thoughts on RECA’s future strategic direction, go to our Strategic Planning page and let us know what you think! Make sure to enter your thoughts in the Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council field.

Engagement Opportunities with the Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council

Online Engagement Session – April 26, 2021 – 9 a.m. MT
You are invited to participate in an online engagement session with the Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council on April 26, 2021. This session will be hosted by the Industry Council Chair and held on Zoom. It will include an explanation of how the Industry Council operates within RECA’s new governance structure, an update from the Industry Council, an outline of Industry Council priorities, and will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions. Register no later than April 25, 2021 at the link below to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!


Industry Council Email
An email address has been created for stakeholders to contact the Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council. By sending emails to, stakeholders can reach out to the Industry Council directly, and outside of specific consultations or other formal engagement opportunities.

Industry Council Webpage
Bookmark the Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council webpage at Through this page stakeholders can access all Industry Council meeting agendas and minutes, a list of Industry Council Members, a list of Industry Council engagement opportunities, a list of past engagement activities, and any articles, consultations, or other communications from the Industry Council. The page will be updated regularly.

Consultations and Focus Groups
The Industry Council may direct RECA to consult on certain topics prior to making decisions. Stakeholders will be notified of all consultation opportunities through direct email, the Regulator newsletter, social media, and the RECA website.

The Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council will also host a Broker Forum and other informal groups to discuss the latest regulatory issues they are seeing day-to-day. If you have interest in attending these formal meetings with RECA, please email

Stakeholder Engagement Policy

Stakeholder engagement is a clear priority for RECA. At its March 5 meeting, the Board of Directors approved a Stakeholder Engagement Policy that sets the framework for why, how, and with whom the Board, the Industry Councils, and RECA Administration engages.

Engagement will be timely, consistent, equal, meaningful, and transparent. This policy is to ensure you have the opportunity to have your voice heard by the Board and Industry Councils, and directly participate in the regulation of your industry.

Learn more about the Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council

Residential Real Estate Broker Industry Council Webpage

Chair’s Message from the February 2021 Regulator Newsletter