Condominium Managers Deadlines Approaching for Education Requirements and 2022/2023 Licence Renewals
| July 19, 2022
Please review all of the following information carefully to ensure you meet your licensing conditions by the appropriate deadlines:
- complete your education: November 30, 2022 or March 31, 2023
- renew your licence for the 2022-23 fiscal year: September 30, 2022
THESE ARE TWO SEPARATE DEADLINES FOR TWO SEPARATE PROCESSES. Failure to meet either of these deadlines will mean you become unlicensed, and you can no longer provide condominium management services.
Conditional Licence Deadline
Time is Running out! If you hold a conditional Condominium Manager licence, the deadline to enrol (and in some cases complete) courses is fast approaching. All conditional licensees are encouraged to enrol in their required courses as soon as possible.
Timeline and Courses Required Will Vary
All conditionally licensed condominium managers must complete the courses listed on their conditional licence. To learn which courses and exams are required based on your individual circumstances, please log in into your myRECA account and go to the Licensing tab. Brokers can also view the education status of their associates by viewing the Condo Education Report on their My People page. The courses required will be displayed.
Extensions Granted for Associates but Deadline to Enrol Remains
As recently announced, condominium manager associate licensees may now receive an extension to the deadline to complete their licensing courses to March 31, 2023. However, associates must be enrolled in their courses before the original course completion deadline of November 30, 2022, to be granted this extension.
This extension does not apply to condominium manager associate broker or broker licensees. Individuals with associate broker and broker class licences remain subject to the November 30, 2022 deadline in order to complete all of their required courses.

Challengers Should Leave Extra Time
If licensees plan to challenge the exams, this should also not be left to the last minute as challengers will only be permitted one challenge attempt.
If not successful, condominium manager associates will need to enrol in the necessary courses by the deadline of November 30, 2022 and would be eligible to apply for an extension to complete their courses by March 31, 2023.
Associate brokers and brokers wishing to challenge exams, must do so as soon as possible to leave time to complete their education by November 30, 2022, should they be unsuccessful.
Those who are unsure of their education requirements after reviewing their myRECA accounts should contact as soon as possible.
General Renewal Season is Upcoming
A reminder that all licenses, including condominium’ management licensees must renew their licence by Friday, September 30, 2022. Brokers can begin renewing on August 15, 2022 and associates can begin renewing on August 22, 2022. Brokers must renew the brokerage licence before associates and associate brokers in the brokerage are able to renew. Please note this is a separate deadline from the education deadline discussed above for conditional licensees.
All renewal applications are completed and submitted through myRECA. More information, including the 2022 fee schedule, will be posted to RECA’s website and emailed to all licensees before the deadline.
FAQ Webinar
Since this is the first renewal season for condominium licensees, RECA will be hosting a webinar open to all condominium licensees. Members of RECA’s team will be available to address any questions regarding the amended education deadlines and the renewal process. This webinar will take place live and the recording will be made available on RECA’s website. All licensees with questions, are encouraged to attend or submit their questions in advance.
Condominium Manager Licence Renewals Information Session
September 7, 2022
9:30 am MST
For those who cannot make the webinar, questions may be emailed in advance to