Inclusions / Exclusions

Every listing or seller representation agreement will outline what you intend to include with the sale, and what items you might expressly exclude that a buyer might otherwise think was included.

There may be unattached items you’re leaving with the property that may become marketing features – like appliances and window coverings. It’s entirely up to you.

Typical inclusions:

  • appliances
  • garage door openers
  • window coverings

Typical exclusions (thought exclusions are less typical than inclusions)

  • fixtures with sentimental value you plan to take with you (e.g. specific light fixture)
  • specialty appliance
  • curtain rods
  • greenhouse or playhouse in the yard

Remember, the appliances don’t usually come with the purchase unless they are specifically included. By the same token, a seller can specifically exclude them from the sale, even if they don’t need to contractually. Be safe. When in doubt, write it out. Exclude the appliances you are definitely taking with you so there is no confusion.

CONSUMER TIP: Be specific. Don’t let a misunderstanding cost you.

CONSUMER TIP: Everything is negotiable. If a buyer REALLY wants you to bring their own washer/dryer, they might offer to exclude them from the purchase, which may or may not lead to them offering a lower price. You are under no obligation to accept their offer, and can negotiate inclusions and exclusions just like you can negotiate the price.

Special Inclusions/Exclusions

When you include things that you lease or are under a long-term contractual arrangement (e.g. alarm systems, water heaters), ensure this is reflected in your listing as an inclusion or exclusion, and any pertinent details, like contract or lease transfer-ability.

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